What exactly does Very high resolution imagery (VHR) really mean? While the term is used frequently, it is rarely defined. Here at Start for IT, we define high resolution imagery as having 1 meter (m) or better resolution. For most high resolution sensors, the panchromatic (or black and white) band has 1-meter or better resolution. If the sensor collects multispectral (or red, green, blue, etc.) data simultaneously, which is more common than not, these images have a resolution which is two or four times that of the panchromatic band.
What exactly does medium resolution imagery really mean? While the term is used frequently, it is rarely defined. Here at Start for IT, we define medium resolution imagery to have 1-meter (m) to 10-m resolution. Many medium resolution satellites however feature a wide variety of spectral bands with varying resolutions that may or may not meet this threshold. More information on the technical specifications of the medium resolution satellites we work with can be found on the individual pages linked in the table below.